India - Miracle Restoration Revival
Nicky Bianchini is born to an Italian Father and a Jewish mother. In 1979 he was gloriously saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ from a life of drugs and crime on the streets of Chicago. In 1979 he moved to New Mexico and there met his wife "Birdie" and they were married in 1981 in Raton, NM. From 1981 to 1995 they Evangelized and were pastors of 2 churches. In 1995 they both moved to Florida under Gods direction. Under the same ministry name for almost 30 years ..."Miracle Restoration Revival" has been a blessing to many people across the states. In the year 2005 God directed them to minister among the people of India. During this time the Lord has given favor to the ministry to have many "water connections" called "Yeshua's Water of Life" that bring pure drinking water to hundreds of thousands of people in Andhra Pradesh India. The Lord blessed also to build a school in Vetapalem Village India that provides education to over 100 poor young children. A "Prayer Center" also has been built and staffed where people call in and visit to receive prayer and deliverance for all kinds of needs. In March of 2008 a LIFE-LONG-DREAM of the India children and ourselves was fulfilled when the "House of Restoration Orphanage and Ministry Center" was built where orphans are sheltered, clothed, fed and educated in the ways of the Lord Jesus. Also this beautiful Center is used for traveling pastors, medical outreaches, feeding programs and other uses for the glory and furtherance of the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. In a few short years "Miracle Restoration-India" has been raised up by the Lord Jesus Christ to minister to thousands of people in India. When Nicky and Birdie travel to India they conduct crusades and pastors conferences that have drawn up to 250 pastors from nearby villages and cities. Ministers and pastors have been licensed and raised up by the Lord and currently serve the Lord with MRR credentials. There are pa stores that work closely with the ministry in India that have many church branches such as Pastor Charles pastors, Pastor Ezekiel Nani, Pastor Nasariah (of the forests) and many others that work together with MRR to reach their villages and remote areas for the Lord JESUS. The church numbers and saints are growing in numbers all the time as the Word of the Lord is not bound by any means in the 1.1 billion people of India. In the short time the Lord has put a love in our hearts for the people of India and to be among them personally we have seen HIS HANDS reaching out in love to the people HE has sent us to in many miraculous ways. Sincerely.....Nicky and Birdie Bianchini....we can be reached at....Miracle Restoration Revival, Rev. Nicky Bianchini, P.O. Box 2762 Okeechobee, FL 34973 863-467-7037 fax--863-467-4217 cell--863-447-1795 e-mail- bianchinin@aol.com or mrr-usa@embarqmail.com
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